Thursday, January 8, 2009

I don't get these OT commentaries. They all just talking about what they think. I don't think that's enough to make me want to read them.


If I were to go back to my studies I would probably do old testament studies. And if I did OT studies I might try to integrate a working understanding of deuterocanonical texts.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Letter to Professor

Father Roch,
I don’t know if you remember me but I was in your Soteriology class last fall (‘07). I did very poorly in your class… I soon came to realize (at that time) that I had no understanding of your standards or your expectations. Perhaps it is a matter of not being exposed to that level of scholarship, or some other reason. I do not know. Based on my work prior to enrolling as UD, I was advised that my work was good and that I would do well at the graduate level of scholarship. I do know that I was not used to working in more than 2 classes at a time (my undergrad at Dallas Christian College was in module form). Looking at all of these factors, even my normal performance was compromised. It didn’t help that I was pregnant at the time, either.
Sir, this is not an excuse or really even an explanation of my performance while in your course. I say these things only to illustrate how unprepared I was for study at the UD level. Even as unprepared as I was, and still am, I do wish to continue at UD. I have faith that God has brought me here to learn the rigors of the discipline, but I am at the mercy of the teachers to show me.
I don’t have the moneys to return to classes right now. But in the meantime I am looking to improve myself where I can, so that I might be better prepared for a second go of things. I know that I need improvement on my writing skills, do you know of anything that I can read to offer insight? While my focus is not on contemporary Christology, I assume that there are essential names in the field of theology that I should be familiar with. I am not Catholic, but do appreciate the Catholic standard in scholarship… are there any other foundational readings that I should be adding to my list? Any additional wisdom that you may like to impart would also be greatly appreciated.
I come to you because you were the worst of my critics. I have sought out all kinds of mentorship in the last decade and have been turned away at every instance because I am a stay-at-home mother and wife and a servant of the faith (these things greatly compromise my ability to socialize with others in the field). However, because of our financial circumstances I will need to go to work at a paying job in the next couple of years and would like to do so in my career. I ask you with full awareness that you may not have the time, and yet I do hope that you have pity on my humble state. I have prayed that God allow me to be satisfied in my situation to be only a wife and mother, and yet it has been a prayer that God has answered with a deeper desire to serve in this field. I thank you deeply now if you do decide to help me in this matter.